Client Stories: Shari Carlson

Client Stories: Shari Carlson | Social Security Benefit Planners

Prior to contacting Faye, I was very worried about my Social Security. Having worked for a nonprofit for most of my career, I didn’t know what I could expect. I kept making Excel worksheets and running scenarios but I was confused. My cousin and her husband were so relaxed about their retirement, so I asked them what made them so confident and they referred me to Faye.

First off, she made the “when” of my retirement crystal clear. That had been my biggest worry… that I would do it too soon, or should have done it last year… and I didn’t want to blow it. Faye showed me when and why it would be best, better, good, or not so good. She didn’t make the choice for me, but she made me aware of what each choice meant. She showed me that delaying to age 66 would mean a 25% increase in benefits, and delaying to 70 would be an increase of 65% in benefits!

Now I not only know WHEN to retire, but that when that time comes, I CAN retire, without worrying. She took away the worry of “blowing it.” I also am sure that if anything in my situation changes, I will find her ready with more insight and advice.

Having this insight makes retirement something I look forward to with confidence. I’m still working, and grateful I can, especially because every year I work is helping my retirement to be even better. It makes it easier to keep working, which I need to do now, to know that I’m investing in my own future.